

IMPACT HUB Taipei 的共同創辦人暨執行長,曾任第二屆行政院青年諮詢委員會委員暨副召集人,現任社團法人B型企業協會的常務監事,也是台北搞砸之夜(FuckUp Nights Taipei ) 的共同主持人。台大日文和國際關係雙主修,畢業後在百大外商公司擔任業務三年,之後轉身投入社會創新圈創辦 IMPACT HUB Taipei。 喜歡思考並將內容實際產出,求新求變並追求永續發展,近年來積極投入社會創新運動,協助社會企業與非營利組織在台灣的發展,同時也於各大場合推廣「聯合國永續發展目標(SDGs)」,希望能透過自己的熱情影響社會上更多的人。 Rich is Co-Founder & CEO at Impact Hub Taipei, current Co-Chair of Youth Advisory Council, Executive Supervisor at B Lab Taiwan and Co-Host at Fuckup Nights Taipei. He holds a Bachelor Degree in Japanese Language and Literature and International Relations. Before founding Impact Hub Taipei, he was a Sales Representative in Medtronic, a Fortune 100 company, for 3 years. He is a thinker, a content producer who pursues changes and sustainability. His passion is to enable and empower people to do good with purpose. In recent years, he devotes himself to supporting social enterprises and nonprofit organizations as well as promoting the SDGs.

